Alginate Ezact Kromm


It gets a rose coloring during the stipulations and it comes back to the white color after the total gelification, which indicates the right time of its removal from the mouth.

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SKU: dental_alginate Categories: , ,



Ezact Kromm has ideal consistency, excellent elasticity and it shows optimum compatibility with the gypsum. It has a pleasant fragrance for the patient, reducing the discomfort in these types of Impression.

In spite of being recommended for preliminary Impressions, it is ideal for making of molds in pedodontia and orthodontics. As any material based on alginate, Ezact Kromm contains silica and thus the inhalation of the product may be harmful to the health. After being handled, the product shows a creamy and, at the same time, firm consistency, so as not to flow off the molder at the time of the material insertion in the mouth cavity. The presence of fluoride ions, in the composition, even allows the release of fluoride when getting in touch with the dental structure.


  • Offered by: Vigodent S. A.
  • Quantity: Not Specified
  • Packaging: Package with 454 g


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